Arbogast Buick - Service and repaint 150ft flagpole
Unique Services & Applications (USA) was hired to service and repaint a 150' steel flagpole, replacing a 14" gold ball/truck combo, stainless steel cable, stainless steel snaps, large weight, 7 retainer rings, and all necessary stainless steel links and copper crimps. At first arrival, the electric winch didn't seem to be working properly because the condition of the cable and truck system was sub-par.

Once USA retrieved the massive 30' X 60' US Flag we then began to assess the problems. USA found that the cable was frayed in several spots and the truck system had worn a large groove into itself, pinching and tearing at the cable as it was raised and lowered. USA then replaced the entire stainless steel cable system as well as the gold 14" ball/truck combo to ensure smooth operation for years to come.

Then USA reconnected the new cable to the existing electric winch and tested system for proper operation. Finally, USA applied one coat of white oil-based paint to the entire flagpole. The owner was instructed to leave US Flag off of flagpole for at least 3 days to give the paint ample time to dry and cure.

Arbogast Buick
3540 South Country Rd. 25A
Troy, OH 45373